Cyber resiliency

When security incidents, business interruptions and natural disasters occur, maintaining operations and recovering systems is mission critical.

Consulting services to help you rebound successfully from a cybersecurity incident

世界各地的组织都在经历勒索软件攻击等不断升级的网络安全事件的影响. 没有任何一家公司能够完全免受攻击,也没有任何一种产品或解决方案能够防范所有事件. 公司领导人必须正视网络攻击已经严重加剧的现实——这不再只是个人为了娱乐价值或炫耀权利而攻击组织. Attacks now are launched by sophisticated, 专业犯罪组织寻求快速、轻松地将他们的行为货币化. Cybercriminals use malware, back doors and ransomware, 恶意工具通常难以检测,并可能隐藏攻击者的行为. As a result, organizations experience lasting, destabilizing effects on their network as attacks often severely damage its systems.

网络弹性旨在最大限度地减少网络事件对关键业务流程的影响,并确保组织具备在需要时无缝恢复环境的能力. To minimize the impacts, CISOs must identify the technology, 支持关键流程的数据和vwin娱乐场官方,并了解可能受到网络事件影响的关键系统的相互依赖性. They must also establish point solutions to maintain limited restoration activities. 一个有凝聚力的网络弹性计划应该能够快速评估网络事件,以确定其对组织的影响, 启动备用处理,以最大限度地减少对业务的中断,并优先考虑恢复活动,以确保关键技术和支持数据安全地恢复在线,并在已建立的rto和rpo内恢复.

We understand the complex challenges you face in protecting your network. 我们的团队将通过创建支持系统/过程优先级的动态模型来帮助您积极地发展您的计划, continuously testing recovery and restoration capabilities, and implementing automation to quickly return to normal.

Organizations benefit from our specialized cyber resiliency experience in:

For increased resilience, 过程需要以一种减轻组织面临的风险的方式来设计. 当环境不再支持时,是否有替代过程来限制影响, 重新设计业务常规流程,以加强对事件或利用战略服务提供者的防范, 我们的专业团队可以帮助您制定弹性蓝图,保护组织免受网络攻击或限制停机时间的影响, environmental or manmade incident.

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